The young performers of the second year’s prestigious italian circus school FLIC based in Torino are protagonists of a show directed by Roberto Magro who have them leaded and followed in an artistic research program started one year ago in Frisanco.
The performance is the result of an academic course of two years whose objective is learning how to think up, to create and to organise a show and what it allows to the students of being ready to enter in the world of the work.
Flic School of Circus is a centre for professional young circensian artists, it pursues a formation that reconciles the fundamental values of the athletic formation with the constant innovation research at pedagogical, artistic and technical level. The School of Circus puts itself as a reference point for the construction of a personal identity of the contemporary circus, therefore the school is constantly to the service of the own students trying to guess and to develop the potentialities and the ambitions of each one in the respect of the individual and of the collective work.