Sacékripa /FR


Focus La Francia in Scena

VU is an artist’s performance, an original and visionnary show in which the caustic humour triggers systematically the hilarity of the audience. This silent show describe jokingly little daily obsessions. With that it builds an incredible universe, with these little whims which can be sometimes sick and through excessive details ends to « blow up the lid ». And then the show brings us out of the limits, in a magnific crescendo unexpectable changing into a magical lesson of theater.

The company Sacékripa gather in 2003 five circus artists with diverse backgrounds. Together, they create multidisciplinary shows, exploring circus, juggling, danse, object manipulation with poetry and humour. The company runs into the streets festival, pounding the pavement in cities of France and taking place in theater all around Europe.

Production: Cie Sacékripa. Co-production e Artist residency: Pronomade(s) en Haute Garonne, Centre National des arts de la rue / Le Samovar, Bagnolet / Quelques p’Arts…, Scène Rhône-Alpes. Artist residency & support: CIRCa, Pôle National des Arts du cirque, Auch (32) / La Petite Pierre, Jegun (32) / L’Espace Catastrophe, Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque, Bruxelles / La Grainerie, Balma (31). Support: Le LIDO, Centre Municipale des Arts du Cirque, Toulouse (31) / L’Été de Vaour (81)

Produzione: Cie Sacékripa – Coproduzione e Residenze: Pronomade(s) en Haute Garonne, Centre National des arts de la rue / Le Samovar, Bagnolet / Quelques p’Arts…, Scène Rhône-Alpes. Accoglienza in residenza e sostegno: CIRCa, Pôle National des Arts du cirque, Auch (32) / La Petite Pierre, Jegun (32) / L’Espace Catastrophe, Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque, Bruxelles / La Grainerie, Balma (31). Sostegno: Le LIDO, Centre Municipale des Arts du Cirque, Toulouse (31) / L’Été de Vaour (81)

Sacekripa - Vu / ph. Alexis Doré
Sacekripa - Vu / ph. Alexis Doré
Sacekripa - Vu / ph. Alexis Doré