EgriBiancoDanza /IT

Memorie di Pietra

Programmazione IN


A coreographic installation, designed by Raphael Bianco and directed for the musical part by M° Pietro Pirelli, that uses the famous sound sculptures by Pinuccio Sciola in an exceptional location: the fourteenth-century cloister of the Acaja Castle in Fossano. The Sciola’s Stones become the stages of an evolutio- nary path in this beautiful place: symbol of power and place of knowledge and culture.

The installation involves the active participation of the audien- ce in producing sounds, the dancers and the musician react to the sound dynamics, each time creating different choreo- graphic events based however on a preconceived “scenario”.

28 June 2019

Friday oreat 19:00 > 60' intero 15€ / ridotto 10€ /

Castello degli Acaja – Chiostro Fossano map 3

Memorie di Pietra

ideation and choreography Raphael Bianco
choreography assistant Elena Rolla
maitre de ballet Vincenzo Galano
sound concept and live concert Pietro Pirelli
sound sculptures Pinuccio Sciola
lights Enzo Galia
costumes Marta Scarampi
production Fondazione Egri per la danza, con il sostegno di MIBAC , Regione Piemonte, Città di Torino, Fondazione CRT, Compagnia di San Paolo

duratalength 60'
raccomandatorecommended +6 anni
generegenre Danza contemporanea, Musicale, Installazione
bigliettoticket intero 15€ / ridotto 10€

Memorie di Pietra - EgriBiancoDanza - ph S. Vittonetto - Compagnia EgriBiancoDanza