Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production /CH


Programmazione IN


It is difficult sometimes to understand yourself and the others.
What if we had to become heroes to understand the hidden meanings?
What if we had to prove our ability to overcome difficulties to forge our victory little by little?

With So-Ham, dance and trapezium solo, Vanessa Pahud explores the myth and some events of her life, to write a performance in the form of a Dionysian rite, violent and rousing.

Dismember the spirito to reborn whole, other, heroes.

25 June 2019

Tuesday oreat 20:20 > 40' 4€ /

Chapiteau Fratelli Mariano Busca


anteprima nazionale

interpretation and writing Vanessa Pahud
director Jean Yves Pénafiel
light designer Loic Warridel
video La Lune Urbaine
Costume Designer Lise Beauchamps

duratalength 40'
raccomandatorecommended +12 anni
generegenre Circo contemporaneo
bigliettoticket 4€

Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham - Festival Mirabilia 2019
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham - Festival Mirabilia 2019
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham - Festival Mirabilia 2019
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham - Festival Mirabilia 2019
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham - Festival Mirabilia 2019
Vanessa Pahud/Cirque Production - So-Ham