Faber Teater
Selezione FNAS Showcase

The Champion and the Mosquito

Programmazione IN


Everyone is on a bicycle in this a-typical show, riding across space and time onthe river of the Twentieth Century. The masks, Time Guides, take the spectatorsby the hand accompanying them through the life of Fausto Coppi, theChampion, and Anifele, the African mosquito that stung him. It is the parabolaof a man gradually becoming that of each one. A story that is daily and heroic atthe same time, ironically biting… Strictly by bike!

02 September 2022

Friday oreat 17:00 > 90' entrata libera / info su appfree entry

Via Roma di fronte a Chiesa S. Ambrogio Cuneo

The Champion and the Mosquito

with: Francesco Micca, Marco Andorno, Lodovico Bordignon, Lucia Giordano,Paola Bordignon, Sebastiano Amadio
Dramaturgy and Direction: Mario Chiapuzzo
Created by: Faber Teater e Mario Chiapuzzo
Bikes: Museo dei Campionissimi, Novi Ligure costumes, masks, banners, bike processing: Faber Teater

duratalength 90'
lingualanguage inglese
raccomandatorecommended per tutti
generegenre Teatro urbano
entrata libera / info su appfree entry