Semeion /IT

Il giardino dei giochi dimenticati

What happened to the old games? The Tug of War, the Lippa, the elastic? You’ll find them in the garden of forgotten games and they will make you use your hands and be together outdoors. Children have access to the gaming places after collecting tokens (simple golden tin caps) that will be used as currency for workstations access. Other caps at stake in case of victory.

The mission of Semeion Teatro cultural association is to create performances, theatrical readings and organize art events. Professional actors, animators, puppeteers, musicians, set designers, but also amateurs are part of Semeion Teatro. They all work so that their passion leaves a trace, a mark, or, as we say in greek, a “Semeion”.

27 June 2015

Saturday oreat 17:00 > 22:00 entrata libera / info su appfree entry

Piazza Santarosa Savigliano map 21
+ Parco Nenni

28 June 2015

Sunday oreat 17:00 > 22:00 entrata libera / info su appfree entry

Piazza Santarosa Savigliano map 21
+ Parco Nenni

Il giardino dei giochi dimenticati

Folk traditional games reworked by
Sun-Simone Negro and Marianna Galeazzi Construction
and stage realization by
Sun-Simone Negro, Sara Rosa and Marianna Galeazzi

duratalength 22:00
raccomandatorecommended per tutti
generegenre Giochi di strada
entrata libera / info su appfree entry