One of the companies that, together with Defracto and Gandini Project, have radically changed the concept of juggling in Europe. A surprising show based on a reinterpretation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s thought, Sinergia proposes through juggling a reflection on theevolution and emotional interaction of a group. The set is manipulated as well as theballs and the luminous claves, creating fragile and perfect movement machines ofincredible complexity. A suspended universe, which can collapse at any moment, andwhich enchants thanks to the absolute precision of the performers on stage. One of the”must-see jewels” of the 2022 edition that the Festival chooses to program after thegreat success last year of the extraordinary Suspension.
Nueveuno Circo, nata nel 2014, si è sviluppata attorno alla passione e alla curiosità dei suoi componenti sul circo contemporaneo. Cerca il proprio linguaggio scenico fondendo giocoleria, coreografica, musica, set design e illuminotecnica. La commistione di tecniche e linguaggi genera una drammaturgia emozionale in cui il pubblico può riconoscersi.