The show PIANI IN BILICO takes its origins from Clara Storti and Filippo Malerba’s need to work on their bodies in a condition of physical suspension. Based on solid circus skills, the main purpose of the project is to investigate the aerial dimension as a welcoming and liveable space. The two performers are flatmates, they share physical spaces and habits within a space built on labile an in-becoming references, either in matter of architecture or relationship. The main theme of the show is the house and it is meant to be a space to recocgnise and to feel recognised.
Clara Storti and Filippo Malerba have done a long traineeship in Italy and abroad with several artists, like Roman Fedin, Leo Hedman, Elodie Donaque, then they have started their own experimental work as aerialists. Clara and Filippo are strongly convinced of the importance of developing their body awareness on different levels, which has pushed them to approach circus through dance and physical theatre, attending workshop with Compagnia NUT, Ambra Senatore, Lara Guidetti. In 2011 they co-founded the circus Association Quattrox4, which has the main purpose of promoting contemporary circus in Milan from different perspectives. During the 5-year-long activity of Quattrox4 Clara and Filippo took part to several shows and they teach aerial acrobatic. The artistic encounter with some directors which has been particular significant to their work: Roberto Magro, Firenza Guidi, Sabino Civilleri/Manuela Lo Sicco, Marco Silvestri.